Upgrading a Deployed Version of OctaiPipe#

The OctaiPipe platform is under active development and we are constantly adding new features and improving existing ones. New versions of the platform are released on a 3 monthly basis and patch versions of the current release are released on a 1 monthly basis. Details on the latest available features and bug fixes can be found in the Release Notes.

The backend infrastructure for OctaiPipe is currently upgraded by the OctaiPipe support team. To request an upgrade, please contact us at support@octaipipe.ai.

Upgrade Prerequisites#

Before upgrading the OctaiPipe platform, please ensure that you have completed the following steps:

  1. Backup your Jupyter notebooks: Before upgrading, it is recommended that you backup your Jupyter notebooks. This can be done by downloading the notebook files to your local machine or by saving them to a cloud storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox.

    Zip and download notebook files

    tar -czvf name-of-archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory-or-file

Upgrade Finalisation#

Once the upgrade has been completed, you will receive an email notification from the OctaiPipe support team. The email will contain details of the new features and bug fixes that have been included in the latest release.

After the infrastructure has been upgraded you will need to configure your workspace and devices to take account of the new features.

  1. Restore your Jupyter notebooks: After the upgrade has been completed, you can create a new Jupyter notebook specifying the new version tag and upload your backed up notebooks.

    Upload and unzip previous Notebook files

    tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
  2. Update device images: In order for your devices to take advantage of the new features, you will need to update the device images. This can be done by updating the image in the docker compose file used to configure the device and then reapplying the docker compose file to the device.

    To upgrade from version 2.3.0 to 2.4.0, change the image used in the docker compose file from octaipipe/octaipipe_manager:2.3.0 to octaipipe/octaipipe_manager:2.4.0.