Tutorial - From training to inference - Classification#
This notebook contains all the necessary information needed to run an end-to-end test of OctaiPipe, training a model on the cloud and deploying it out to your own edge devices.
We will develop our pipelines on the OctaiPipe Jupyter server, and use the OctaiPipe Pythonic interface for deployments. We will also make use of the OctaiPipe web portal to register edge devices, monitor and query deployments and trained models.
In order to run the notebook, you will need to have access to one or more devices to deploy to. In this example, we will use a portion of the C-MAPSS dataset, which we prepared in csv files as part of the device registration package. The C-MAPSS dataset contains simulated sensor data from aeroengines as they undergo degradation. The machine learning task is to predict the failure imminence (0, 1, and 2) of a given aeroengine— a multi-class classification problem, using the sensor telemetry data. We use the sensor data from a single aeroengine for training, and that from a different one for inference. You will copy these data files to the test edge devices to run this tutorial, as instructed below. You can also use a dataset of your choice, but this would require adjusting the input and output data specs in the configuration files.
The notebook helps you do the following:
Copy C-MAPSS tutorial files to a registered device for training
Preprocess data and train a model on the edge with OctaiPipe
Register devices#
We will deploy our example training pipeline and inference pipeline to a test edge device. If you haven’t already, register your edge devices/computers via OctaiPipe web portal. Search “register devices” in the documentation. This example uses local csv files as data source, but you can configure any data source you prefer. Note down the device_id
of the device on which to run this tutorial; in what follows we call it device_0
for definiteness.
Copy C-MAPSS tutorial files to a registered device for training#
We download the octaipipe_e2e_tutorials.zip
file from the Tutorials
folder on the OctaiPipe Notebook Server. Copy the file to the (registered) test edge device and unzip. In what follows, we assume the destination folder is /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials
, if that is not where you have located the data on your device, you will have to update the paths in each of the example configs. The data files in this tutorial is contained in octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat
wherein the train
sub-folder contains the training set data_cmapss_cat.csv
, sensor data from a single aeroengine— the column RUL_cat
is the target label, and the inference
contains the inference data, sensor data from a different aeroengine. The target label RUL_cat
has 3 classes indicating aeroengine failure imminence: 0, 1, 2, with 0 being the most imminent. The config files referenced below are also included in the configs
sub-folder, to be used on the OctaiPipe
Jupyter server (not on the edge devices).
Note: The container will have to have write permission to
. OctaiPipe images run as theoctaipipe
user; you can configure the permissions yourself or if you are not familiar with linux permissions, you can set lax permissions on~/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials
and its sub directories like so:
chmod -R 777 ~/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials
Preprocess data and train a model#
Now that we have set up our device and have the training dataset on the device, we can build a simple OctaiPipe pipeline which preprocesses the data, and trains a model on the preprocessed data. We will be working on the OctaiPipe Jupyter server, and using OctaiPipe’s Deployments Pythonic inferface to deploy the training pipeline to the device.
To deploy and run an OctaiPipe PipelineStep on an edge device, we need to define two main things: the step name and the path to the configuration file. To get an example configuration file, we use the OctaiPipe function octaipipe.develop.get_example_edge_deployment_config()
which takes the step name as input.
For information on these pipeline steps and their configs, see the documentation for the preprocessing step and model training step. If you wish to get information on available OctaiPipe pipeline steps or how to make your own pipeline steps see the relevant documentation.
We use OctaiPipe’s native Preprocessing step to scale the features using sklearn’s min-max scaler. To do this, in the preprocessing step config file, we specify preprocessing_specs.steps
to include normalise
, and preprocessing_specs.preprocessors_specs
to specify the type and the name of the scaler to be fitted. An example is provided below.
name: preprocessing
# local input data source
- datastore_type: local
query_type: csv
filepath_or_buffer: /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat/train/data_cmapss_cat.csv
index_col: "_time" # set timestamp '_time' column as index
# local output data source
- datastore_type: local
file_path: /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat/train/data_cmapss_cat_preprocessed.csv
index: True
save_results: True
target_label: RUL_cat
label_type: "int"
onnx_pred: False
to_split: false
training: 0.6
validation: 0.2
testing: 0.2
- normalise
- type: minmax_scaler
load_existing: False
name: scaler_example
degradation_model: pw_linear
initial_RUL: 125
We use OctaiPipe’s native Model Training step to train a lightGBM classification model on the scaled training set that is the output of the preprocessing step. To do this, we specify model_specs
, in particular the model type lgb_class_sk
, name and the model parameters passed to the model (in this example random_state=42
). An example is provided below.
name: model_training
# local input data source
- datastore_type: local
query_type: csv
filepath_or_buffer: /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat/train/data_cmapss_cat_preprocessed.csv # output of the preprocessing step
index_col: "_time" # set timestamp '_time' column as index to resemble data pulled from influxdb
# local output data source
- datastore_type: local
file_path: /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat/train/data_cmapss_cat_trained.csv
index: True
type: lgb_class_sk
load_existing: false
name: model_example
version: '1.0'
random_state: 42
save_results: True
target_label: RUL_cat
do_grid_search: false
grid_definition: ./configs/model_grids/lgb_class_sk_grid.yml
metric: 'mse'
After filling out the preprocessing
and model_training
configs to fit our data, we save them as ./configs/preprocessing.yml
and ./configs/model_training.yml
. If you’re using your own dataset or if you have configured the C-MAPSS data before adding to your device, these config files would need to be amended.
Once we have set up the config files, we can deploy the training pipeline to the edge device using OctaiPipe’s Deployment interface. We will deploy the preprocessing step and model training steps to our test device in sequence. To this end, we fill out the deploymeny config:
name: deployment_config
device_ids: ['device_0'] # replace with registered device_id
image_name: octaipipe.azurecr.io/octaipipe-all_data_loaders:latest
# - ./credentials/.env
grafana_deployment: null
- preprocessing:
config_path: ./configs/preprocessing.yml
We deploy the preprocessing step with the deployment config ./configs/deployment_config_training_1.yml
, by simply running: octaipipe.deployments.new_edge_deployment(config_path='./configs/deployment_config_training_1.yml')
We can monitor the deployment status on the web portal. Once the preprocessing step is completed and the preprocessing data is output, we can run the model training step similarly, with the following deployment config:
name: deployment_config
device_ids: ['device_0'] # replace with registered device_id
image_name: octaipipe.azurecr.io/octaipipe-all_data_loaders:latest
# - ./credentials/.env
grafana_deployment: null
- model_training:
config_path: ./configs/model_training.yml
You could also combine these steps together into one deployment like so:
name: deployment_config
device_ids: ['device_0'] # replace with registered device_id
image_name: octaipipe.azurecr.io/octaipipe-all_data_loaders:latest
# - ./credentials/.env
grafana_deployment: null
- preprocessing:
config_path: ./configs/preprocessing.yml
- model_training:
config_path: ./configs/model_training.yml
Note: It may take a few minutes for the device to pull the OctaiPipe image and start the steps. To check on the progress of this you can either check the status of the dpeloymetn in the OctaiPipe Portal or get the logs for the Edge Client running on the target device.
Finding model version for inference#
With the training pipeline completed, we now have the trained minmax scaler and lightGBM classifier model. To deploy a model, we need to retrieve a model’s version, which along with the model type and name, act as its identifier in inference steps. We can simply find the trained models’ metadata on the web portal, or alternatively, this can be done by OctaiPipe’s Models Pythonic interface.
For example, we can find all model versions by the model name by:
And the model metadata of a particular model version by:
octaipipe.models.get_model_by_name_and_version(name='model_example', version='1.1')
The metadata returned includes the OctaiStep config used to train the model, and the input column names.
We note down the model type, name and version of the minmax scaler and lightGBM model we just trained, which will be referenced in the inference pipeline.
Deploy model out to edge devices for inference#
We deploy the trained scaler and model for inference. For the purpose of this tutorial, we deploy to the same device we ran the training pipeline on, but you can easily deploy to other, multiple devices, once you have prepared the inference data on those devices (see a previous section).
We first fill out the inference pipeline step. Following our training pipeline, we preprocess the aeroengine sensor with the fitted minmax scaler, followed by model inference with the fitted lightGBM model on the scaled data. These steps are run at a periodic interval, as is typical of inference where new live data is being continuous recorded— although our example inference dataset is a fixed one.
The OctaiStep configs are specified similar to what was done in the training pipeline, except that we load an existing scaler/model, and we set the steps to run every 1s
name: preprocessing
# local input data source
- datastore_type: local
query_type: csv
filepath_or_buffer: /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat/inference/data_cmapss_cat_inference.csv
index_col: _time
# local output data source
- datastore_type: local
file_path: /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat/inference/data_cmapss_cat_preprocessed.csv
index: True
save_results: True
run_interval: 1s # if run_interval is present in run_specs, the step is run periodically, e.g. for inference
onnx_pred: false
- normalise
preprocessors_specs: # specify a trained scaler
- type: minmax_scaler
load_existing: True
name: scaler_example
version: "3.0" # fill out version from last section
degradation_model: linear
initial_RUL: 125
name: model_inference
# local input data source
- datastore_type: local
query_type: csv
filepath_or_buffer: /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat/inference/data_cmapss_cat_preprocessed.csv
index_col: _time
# for local testing: output predictions to local csv files
- datastore_type: local
file_path: /home/octaipipe/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials/cmapss_cat/inference/predictions.csv
index: True
name: model_example
type: lgb_class_sk
version: "1.1" # fill out version from last section
prediction_period: 1s
onnx_pred: false
We deploy the inference steps with the deployment config ./configs/deployment_config_inference.yml
, by simply running: octaipipe.deployments.new_edge_deployment(config_path='./configs/deployment_config_inference.yml')
We can monitor the deployment status on the web portal.
name: deployment_config
device_ids: ['demo-device-0']
image_name: octaipipe.azurecr.io/octaipipe-all_data_loaders:latest
# - ./credentials/.env
grafana_deployment: null
- preprocessing:
config_path: ./configs/preprocessing_inference.yml
- model_inference:
config_path: ./configs/model_inference.yml
Once the pipeline is deployed, record the deployment ID from the Jupyter cell output, or look it up on the web portal— you can filter by time to get the latest deployments. You can verify the step outputs on the device.
Remove deployment#
To end the tutorial, we remove the inference pipeline deployment by running:
Clean up#
When you have finished this tutorial, you can perform a clean-up by removing the data files in ~/octaipipe_e2e_tutorials